Sunday, March 20, 2011

Experience the World of Teaching

      Welcome to the World of Teaching!!

what is teaching?

here are some of the teaching quotations that could inspire us would-be teachers.

Teaching is the only major occupation of man for which we have not yet developed tools that make an average person capable of competence and performance. In teaching we rely on the "naturals," the ones who somehow know how to teach.
Peter Drucker

The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.  ~Mark Van Doren

Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers."
--Josef Albers

Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions.  ~Author Unknown

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.  ~Henry Brooks Adams

Everybody who is incapable of learning has taken to teaching.
Oscar Wilde

The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching.

Teaching is the only major occupation of man for which we have not yet developed tools that make an average person capable of competence and performance. In teaching we rely on the "naturals," the ones who somehow know how to teach.
Peter Drucker

I do not believe there is a problem in this country or the world today which could not be settled if approached through the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount.
Harry S. Truman

We spend the first twelve months of our children's lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve telling them to sit down and shut up.
Phyllis Diller

Many societies have educated their male children on the simple device of teaching them not to be women.
Margaret Mead

Please stop teaching my children that everyone gets a trophy just for participating. What is this, the Nobel Prize? Not everybody gets a trophy.
Glenn Beck

The object of teaching a child is to enable him to get along without his teacher.
Elbert Hubbard

I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that there are as few as there are any other great artists. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit.
John Steinbeck

We have to start teaching ourselves not to be afraid.

what is experiential learning?

Experiential learning is the process of making meaning from direct experience. [1] Aristotle once said, "For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them."[2] David A. Kolb helped to popularize the idea of experiential learning drawing heavily on the work of John Dewey, Kurt Lewin, and Jean Piaget. His work on experiential learning has contributed greatly to expanding the philosophy of experiential education. 


Experiential learning is learning through reflection on doing, which is often contrasted with rote or didactic learning. Experiential learning is related to, but not synonymous with, experiential educationaction learningadventure learningfree choice learningcooperative learning, and service learning. While there are relationships and connections between all these theories of education, importantly they are also separate terms with separate meanings. 
Experiential learning focuses on the learning process for the individual (unlike experiential education, which focuses on the transactive process between teacher and learner). An example of experiential learning is going to the zoo and learning through observation and interaction with the zoo environment, as opposed to reading about animals from a book. Thus, one makes discoveries and experiments with knowledge firsthand, instead of hearing or reading about others' experiences.
Experiential learning requires no teacher and relates solely to the meaning making process of the individual's direct experience. However, though the gaining of knowledge is an inherent process that occurs naturally, for a genuine learning experience to occur, there must exist certain elements. According to David Kolb, an American educational theorist, knowledge is continuously gained through both personal and environmental experiences. He states that in order to gain genuine knowledge from an experience, certain abilities are required:
1.   the learner must be willing to be actively involved in the experience;
2.   the learner must be able to reflect on the experience;
3.   the learner must possess and use analytical skills to conceptualize the experience; and
4.   the learner must possess decision making and problem solving skills in order to use the new ideas gained from the experience. University of Texas Learning Center - Handouts

Experiential learning can be a highly effective educational method. It engages the learner at a more personal level by addressing the needs and wants of the individual. Experiential learning requires qualities such as self-initiative and self-evaluation. For experiential learning to be truly effective, it should employ the whole learning wheel, from goal setting, to experimenting and observing, to reviewing, and finally action planning. This complete process allows one to learn new skills, new attitudes or even entirely new ways of thinking.
Most educators understand the important role experience plays in the learning process. A fun learning environment, with plenty of laughter and respect for the learner's abilities, also fosters an effective experiential learning environment. It is vital that the individual is encouraged to directly involve themselves in the experience, in order that they gain a better understanding of the new knowledge and retain the information for a longer time. As stated by the ancient Chinese philosopher, Confucius, "tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand."
According to learning consultants, experiential learning is about creating an experience where learning can be facilitated. How do you create a well-crafted learning experience? The key lies in the facilitator and how he or she facilitates the learning process. An excellent facilitator believes in the creed: "You teach some by what you say, teach more by what you do, but most of all, you teach most by who you are." And while it is the learner's experience that is most important to the learning process, it is also important not to forget the wealth of experience a good facilitator also brings to the situation.
An effective experiential facilitator is one who is passionate about his or her work and is able to immerse participants totally in the learning situation, allowing them to gain new knowledge from their peers and the environment created. These facilitators stimulate the imagination, keeping participants hooked on the experience.
Creating an experiential learning environment can be challenging for educators who have been taught through traditional classroom techniques. Identifying activities that allow learners to understand and absorb concepts can be a new and daunting experience. In traditional classrooms where lectures with PowerPoint slide sets are standard, educators need to be creative to engage students, get them up out of their chairs, involved in an experience. However, by providing direct experience in addition to standard written and visual materials, learners with different types of learning styles and strengths can be accommodated.
Sudbury model of democratic education schools assert that much of the learning going on in their schools, including valuesjusticedemocracy, arts and crafts, professions, and frequently academic subjects, is done by learning through experience. 

field study subjects
these made us experience on how to observe, analyze and reflect in the teaching and learning process
example of the compilation of our field study subjects and activities

            Republic of the Philippines
Commission on Higher Education
Bacolor, Pampanga

Field Study
Exploring the Curriculum

FS student: Carmina P.  Aguilar
                           BSEd 3A (Math)
FS teacher: Mrs. Rose Lynn D. Villanueva

As I go over the last Field Study that I have done, I was surprised that I have made all these things. The comments of my teacher gave me great joy in my heart. I was so proud of myself that I can see my development. But I have noticed something. Compared to the last Field Study subjects that I have made, I think the third one is better because as i looked at the last Field study that I have made is not that good. I think because of the presentation of my works but even that’s the case I gained more knowledge in this Field study because it really requires us deeper understanding of the curriculum.
“ If what teachers think, what teachers do and what teachers are at the level of the classroom that will ultimately shapes the kind of learning that young people get.”
-        Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan
             That is the quotation in Field Study 4. The Field Study 4- Understanding Curriculum Development (Exploring the Curriculum) is concerned with the curriculum; the planning, implementation, and evaluation of curriculum. It also deals with curriculum design and curriculum content. This allows us students to apply and verify knowledge gained on curriculum development through exposure to the existing curriculum. It shall also provide insights on how the curriculum can be effectively implemented.
          “The chief aim of education is not to fill people’s heads with facts but to teach them theory think and how to use facts.
             This activity really makes us learn and gained so many experiences that we can use in the future to apply all the things we have learned.
             Having no computer, it is indeed hard on my part to deal with these so many activities and it really make me spend lot of time and money typing but it help me to become independent and strong in every challenge that I encountered. In everything I do, I just remember that God is always with us.
            Finally, time passed by. Now we are about to face another chapter of our life which is my fourth year college life. We are about to do another Field study subjects and another works to do so I have to be ready to face the future. I can do all these things because I know that God is always with me.

“The persons around me are the source of my inspiration but the greatest of all is our Father God.”
Hereby, I do address my deepest and sincerest gratitude and appreciation to the following persons.
First and foremost is our Almighty God who serves as my greatest inspiration. He is the one who gives me strength and makes me strong through the challenges he gave to us. He guides me all throughout making these Field Study activities and I really love the way he planned things to happen. He pours blessings after so many challenges that are why I tend to enjoy every challenge he gave. I love you, Lord and thank you so much!!
The next one is my family; my loving parents and sweet younger sister and brother for the continuous support. Thanks to my father who is working hard to support us from our studies and other financial matters. Thanks to my mother for continually caring and understanding my needs as well as showing her concern every time I have lot of things to do especially in school works. Thanks as well to my younger sister for helping me type some of the activities.
Then, thanks to my Field Study teacher, Ma’am Rose Lynn D. Villanueva for the knowledge, stories, experiences, advices, and inspiring comments you have shared with us. Thanks also for giving consideration every time we passed late on the activities. We really appreciate all your efforts, Ma’am; in teaching and facilitating us, in checking our Field study activities and many more. We love you, Ma’am.
Thanks to all my passionate teachers who really gives us inspiration that will help us in our future career. The things that they have taught with us retained not just in our minds but also in our hearts. All of the efforts of my teacher in making us learn and apply what we have learned are highly appreciated and these are indeed effective.
Next are my dearest friends who are always on my side in every faces of my life whether happiness or sadness. Every activity is a challenge that we have to overcome but we made every activity together so it became easier for us and we enjoy the pressure that these activities bring with us. Thank you so much.
Thanks also to Mang Euro for the printing of the Field Study activities and for giving us discounts. God bless.
Finally are the other persons around me who brings me joy and inspiration as well like all the Math majors, Reco family, KBS/MOA family as well as my neighbors.

Thank you so much.. I love all of you. May God continually shower us with more blessings in life. Smile!! (“,)

Table of Contents
Episode 1
The intention
Activity 1: Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives
Episode 2
The implementation
PART1. Making of curriculum work
Activity1. School Data
Activity2. The School Facilities and Equipments
Activity3. The Class Program
Activity4. Class Size
Activity5. Teachers Assignment
PART11. School Practices
Activity1. Calendar of Activities
Activity2. Other School Activities
Activity3. Community Involvement
PART111. The teacher as implementor of the curriculum
Activity1. Curricular Approaches and Strategies
Activity2. Interactive Learning Approaches
Activity3. Factors Affecting the Skills of the Teacher
Activity4. Training of Teachers
PART1V. Textbook and Other Supporting Materials
Activity1. The Textbooks
Activity2. Sourcing Other  Materials of Instruction
Activity3. Learning Competencies
Activity4. What you Should Know?
Episode 3
An Assessment
Activity1. Extent of Attainment of Objectives

EPISODE 1: The Intention
Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives

FS Student:      Carmina P. Aguilar                               Date:    November 15, 2010
Course:         BSEd                                    Yr. and Section:3-A (MATH)
FS Teacher:     Mrs. Rose Lynn D. Villanueva

Each school has Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives for its students. It stands on the conviction that every learner should attain functional literacy necessary to adapt to the changing environment.


1.     Understanding the curricular goals and objectives.
2.     Communicate clear learning goals appropriate to the learners.
3.     Establish learning environment that responds to the needs of the society.
4.     Demonstrate that differences among children have to be addressed through the curriculum.


            To meet the objective, I have to do these tasks:

1.     Visit a school.

2.     Get a copy of the schools vision and mission.

3.     Analyze the vision and mission of the school relative to the existing school’s curriculum.

4.     Prepare an analysis report.

Objectives of the Secondary Education Curriculum

1.     Develop skills in higher intellectual operations, critical and creative thinking and more complex comprehension and expression activities in varied life situations.

2.     Broaden scientific and technological knowledge and skills as means for optimizing one’s potential for self-development and for promoting the welfares of others.

3.     Develop an enlightened commitment to the national ideas by discerning, preserving and developing desirable traditions and values of the Filipino heritage.

4.     Acquire productive and entrepreneurial skills, a work ethic, and occupational knowledge essential both for specialized training in one’s occupation;

5.     Obtain knowledge, from desirable attitudes, and imbibe moral and spiritual values for understanding the nature and purpose of the human person and thus of one’s self, one’s own people and other peoples, cultures and races both on our country and in the community of nations;

6.     Heighten one’s abilities in and appreciation for the arts and sports.

Name of the school: PAMPANGA HIGH SCHOOL


The school hopes to be a catalyst of change and active partner in student and community development by helping mold and guide our youth to develop their talents and potentials so they become productive citizens of our country and inspiring parents to assume their children towards their community and toward to God.


          Help build a nation by educating, inspiring and cultivating among our students values and academic excellence so that quality education can be attained. Thus, the Pampanga High School is committed to make a difference.

Every school has a mission and vision as well as goals and objectives but what do these means? The vision of Pampanga High School is indeed in accordance with the goals of Basic Secondary Education Curriculum, wherein vision then is viewed as a critical point of leadership, it must have a goal or a guide that will serve as a stepping stone or a guiding star so that a school will have a sense of direction. The school’s purpose is not just to let the learners acquire knowledge with all the subject matter that the students must take; it has something to do on how to make the students an effective citizen of a country, not only in school but also in the society and even after they graduated in high school.
  Now that we have understood the meaning of the mission and vision, let us now proceed to its importance. The vision would affect the aspects of life, like physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, etc. In Pampanga High School’s vision you would notice that the school is concerned on how it would develop and improve the student’s different skills.
As a current university, the school is doing actions on accomplishing the univ. mission and vision. The mission is the implementation or the written form of the school’s vision. It may be short but it is important that a school must have it for the implementation of its school vision. It is a guide for the action of the said school. A school may also be competent when it comes to its vision and mission, it is clearly stated that the school would like to make a difference and inspire its students and transform them into an efficient and effective individual.


As a part of our school, I must know and understand how mission and vision are made. In my observation based on the schools vision and mission, it is important that the school must have one, so that the school will have a guide and a sense of direction, of what the school wants for its clientele. Not only for the curriculum which I have known to be the subjects that we need to take or the course study, etc.

What we are doing when creating a vision statement is articulating our dreams and hopes for our school. The vision-mission played an important role to the school, it also motivated the employees on how they would motivate its clientele and do the said task, in that case they have the long term goal, and that is to make the students be a globally competitive in the society and even out of the country, to improve and develop self-determination, by keeping in mind the important values of being a Filipino and preserving its heritage.

Every school should have a mission and vision. And now I am challenged to make my own vision-mission of a secondary school, who knows I may have own one. This will serve as my inspiration and my guide, and to have a purpose.

Name: Carmina P. Aguilar                                Date: December 13, 2010
Course;  BSEd (Math)                                       Year and Section: 3A

The curriculum is implemented on the belief that it will lead to national development. Thus, it serves at the means to move forward to the future. As it is implemented, the school provides learning opportunities to the students as well as the facilities, tools and equipment to be used and the teachers to handle them.

                    Episode 2 aims to identify processes in the effective implementation of the curriculum. The episode also determines the teaching methods/approaches, instructional resources, learning activities aligned to the existing curriculum.

                    To attain the objectives, the episode is divided into several parts.
                    Part I.       Making the curriculum works
                    Part II.       School Practices
                    Part III.      The Teachers as Implementor of the Curriculum
                    Part IV.     Textbook and other Resource Materials.
                             As your read each part of the episode, follow the suggested steps.

Find out how the school makes the curriculum work, follow these steps:

1.  Visit a school. Observe the school. Arrange with the teacher that you are going to conduct a class observation.

2.  Take note of the learning environment (inside and outside the classroom).

3.  Find out how the school makes plans to implement the curriculum.
Focus on:        school data
                class program
                class size
                teacher’s assignment

4.  Reflect your experiences and share them in your FS class.

                    Gather data stored in the Educational Management Information System (EMIS). This will give a good picture of the state of education in the school.
              Year                Male           Female                  Total
I                    64                59                     123
II                    70                49                     119
                     III                     70                  75                      145
IV                    61                58                     119
                  Total                   265               241                     506

2.   DROP-OUT RATE :    _____5%________

3.   COMPLETION RATE: ___none_________

4.   ACHIEVEMENT RATE (Based from the results of test administered by DepEd)
4.1.                English         _49.53_
4.2.                Mathematics _60.56_
4.3.                Science and Health_34.69_
4.4.                MAKABAYAN
                          Filipino  47.19_
                          Araling Panlipunan  59.62

1.   How did the data affect the attainment of the Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives of the School?
 The school’s data we have gathered reflects the status of the school that’s why they don’t easily gave us a copy of these data because it might affect their school if the data about their school is not that good. The data can also be use as to determine if the Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives (VMGO) of the school are attained or not. These data which are the school enrollment, drop-out rate, completion rate, and achievement rate can identify the state of education in the school which relate to the VMGO of the school. This is how the data affect the attainment of the VMGO of the school. If there is an increase in the number of enrollees, achievement rate and completion rate of the students, the VMGO of the school are attained as well as when there is a decrease in the number of drop-outs. There are many factors affecting these data so it is the responsibility of the school to make some adjustments. But it doesn’t mean that the attainment of VMGO can only be seen with this data alone. There are other factors that affect the attainment of the VMGO of the school. This shows that the attainment of the VMGO of the school depends of the results of these data but still we have to consider the school itself and its performance.
2.   What are the factors affecting the rate of:
A.  Enrollment
·        financial matters
·        quality education
·        distance of the school
·        courses available
·        environmental factors
·        teacher’s competence
·        process of enrolling
·        facilities available

B.  Drop-out
·        financial matters also
·        method of teaching of the teachers
·        fear of students to strict teachers
·        the teachers are giving unfair or low grades
·        difficulty of the student on the subject

C.  Completion
·        Learner’s interest
·        teaching approach
·        grades
·        environmental factors and facilities available

D.  Achievement
·        Teacher’s competence
·        effectiveness of instruction
·        student’s performance
·        environmental factors and facilities available

                    The school provides a learning environment that promotes the attainment of its goals. In order to respond to the needs of the learners, the school personnel see to it that a conducive surrounding is provided to them.

1.   List down the school facilities that help in the implementation of the curriculum.
·        Classrooms
·        Covered Court
·        Science Laboratory
·        Comfort Rooms
·        Library
2.   What will happen if the school does not have enough facilities?
If the school does not have enough facilities, there are lesser students who would enroll in that certain school. The enrollment, achievement and completion rate of the students will become lesser. The students will be not that motivated to learn. There would surely be lesser learning on the part of the students. 
3.   Equipment and materials for instruction are also important tools in implementing the curriculum. The school may not have or do not have them at all.
What alternatives can you suggest in place of the following?

3.1.        Science tools and equipment
·        Recycled objects like plastic cans, plastic cups, plastic bottles
·        Kitchen utensils like spoon. Etc

3.2.        Physical Education Apparatus
·        Exercises, dances
·        Recycled objects

3.3.        Shop garden tools
·        Kitchen utensils
·        Recycled objects

4.   What other sources can you suggest to help the school in the procurement of these tools and equipment?
        On our modern times, teachers use the internet or computers to teach subjects. The teacher can use these to demonstrate a particular activity involving tools and equipments without using these things. The teacher must learn how to manipulate the computer and deliver the instruction using the computer for better understanding of students.

                    Read the schedule of classes of the grade/year level you are observing. Record the learning areas and time allotment.

Answer the following questions:

1.   Are the subjects properly sequenced? Why? Why not?
      Yes, because the time is properly distributed with the subjects and it is in accordance with the Basic Education Curriculum guidelines where they follow specific time allotment for each subject.
They also have the necessary time to rest, make assignments or other school works and prepare for the next subject.

2.   Is the time allotted for each subject in accordance with the Basic Education Curriculum guidelines? Yes.

3.   Do the learners have enough time to rest and prepare for the next subject?  Yes.

4.   Are the teachers who are either overloaded or under loaded? None.
-what other activities/tasks are performed by teachers who are under loaded? None.

5.   What incentives (if any) are enjoyed by teachers who are overloaded? None.

                    There are other factors that contribute to the low performance of the students. Some teachers say that the curriculum is to be blamed. Others believe it is the lack of teacher’s competence to teach the subject that affected the students ‘performance. While some people think it is because of the lack of textbook and support from parents that serves as blocks to effective learning.
                    How about the class size? The enrollment in the public schools ballooned into an uncontrolled size.
                    Consider the number of students in the class you are observing.
1.   What is the size of the class? Record them as:
Male: 24
Female: 36
Total: 60 students
2.   How does this condition affect students’ performance?
                 The class of 60 really affects the student’s performance because they are many students in a class, there is a lesser tendency that all of them can participate.
3.   What measures were taken by the teacher to remedy the situation?
       The teacher implements the Socratic Method in which she asked questions then the students answer. It involves recitation.

4.   How can you help improve the student’s performance in big classes?
                 If I’m the teacher having a class of 60, I will help to improve the student’s performance in big classes by giving some activities related to our lesson. I will consider their individual differences. I will give assessment wherein I will consider the different level of performance of students which are the above average, average and below average.
                    Examine the assignment of the teachers in the school. Find out the actual teaching hours of each faculty member.
1.   Do the teachers have the same number of teaching hours? Why? Why not?
       The teachers in Science have more teaching hours than the other teachers because for me, they need more time allotment on their subject.

2.   What other assignment do the teachers perform aside from actual teaching? (Coordinator ship, chairmanship, grade leader, etc.) List down the name of the teachers and their respective assignment or designation and functions.
Teacher A: Mrs. Jocelyn Timoteo
Designation: Science Coordinator
Functions: Science club, tree planting
Teacher B: Ms. Bernadette Delos Santos
Designation: Mathematics coordinator
Functions: Math club
3.   Do you think they can contribute to the realization of the school’s VMGO?
Explain your answer:
         Yes, through the teacher’s leadership in other designations except in teaching, they can motivate the students to develop themselves like skills in different aspects like Mathematics and Science as well as in dancing, drawing, etc wherein they can enhance themselves to become successful in the future in their chosen field of specialization so that they will become productive citizen.


       The implementation of the curriculum is very important for the school. In implementing the curriculum, we have to consider many things like the school’s data involving the enrollment rate, drop-out rate, achievement rate and completion rate, the school’s facilities and equipments, the class program, the class size and the teacher’s assignment in which we have gathered data regarding these matters. I have found out that all of the data reflect the status of the school and its performance. The school’s facilities and equipments are determined whether we have attained our goals or not. These could really help in implementing the curriculum. The school must provide a conducive learning environment for the students to learn better. We must also consider the class program in which it must be in sequence and based on the Basic Education Curriculum where there is proper time allotment for every subject. The students must have enough time to rest like in the class where I get the schedule. In class size, whether large or small, we have to consider the students’ individual differences. The teacher must know how to manage a class size which is large. Lastly, the teacher’s assignment of designations and functions can develop the students’ skills and other factors. All things we have to consider can really help a lot on the implementation of the curriculum if all of these are properly manage and organize. These are interrelated with each other in which these are all to be planned properly so that the implementation of this curriculum will lead to national development and to have success in the future because all of these provide learning opportunities to students.


         Last December 10, 2010, we are thinking to observe at the Laboratory High School but our school doesn’t have class so I decided to observe at Pampanga High School, the secondary school nearest to our house but I remembered that I don’t have memorandum of agreement (MOA) but I still tried if I can observe but they didn’t allow me so I tried in other schools. We observe at Del Carmen High School. I can say that it is indeed hard to observe a school and get the school’s data because we need to have a permit or MOA first before we could enter and the school’ s data I am gathering will reflect the status of the school. You can see if the VMGO of the school is attained or not so if I will be the one who will implement the curriculum, I really have to exert effort in planning for the data and the things needed in planning this curriculum. I have learned the value of patience, dedication and sequential analysis in which I have to plan on a step by step process. I have to develop appropriate instructional planning, as well as implementing and evaluating the curriculum to be able for the curriculum to be successful. The effectiveness of the instruction is also important in implementing the curriculum.

Name: Carmina P. Aguilar                Date: January 20, 2011
Course: BSEd                                    Year and section: 3A
School: Laboratory High School
                Follow these steps to find out some practices of the school you are visiting:
1.  Examine the calendar of activities of the school.
2.  Identify activities where the students, community, and stockholders are involved.
3.  Reflect on how the schools activities help attain the objectives of the curriculum.

The school sees to it that the curriculum is alive. School activities are planned to provide the students a wealth of opportunities where they can acquire knowledge, develop their skills and attain desirable values and attitudes not only in the confines of their classroom.

    Not only are the school personnel involved in these activities. The people in the community also join the school as they work together cooperatively in producing self-reliant students and therefore self-reliant citizens.

      What are the different monthly activities of the school to enrich the curriculum?
Fill-up the table below

·         (June 7, 2010)- First Day of class
·         (June 14, 2010)- Celebration of the Independence Day
·         LTD Alarm System
·         First Monday Program
·         Flag Ceremony
·         Dance Contest
·         Election of CASO Officers
·         “Buwan ng Wika”
·         (August 12-13, 2010)- First Periodical Test (LHS)
·         (August 23, 2010)- Ninoy Aquino Day
·         Intramurals
·         Film Viewing
·         United Nations Day
·         (October 21-22, 2010)- Second Periodical Test (LHS)
·         Makatapak Festival
·         Celebration of the DHVTSU Foundation
·         (November 2, 2010)- Resumption of Classes
·         LTD Christmas Party
·         Mr. and Ms. DHTSU
·         (December 30, 2010)- Rizal Day
·         (January 3, 2011)- Resumption of Class
·         (January 13-14, 1011)- Third Periodical Test (LHS)
·         JS Promenade
·         Celebration of the LTD Day
·         “Huling Hirit Sa 2010”
·         Assistance of the LTD Outgoing Contestants (all year round)
·         (March 3-5, 2011)- Final Examination (graduating students)
·         (March 24-25, 2011)- Final Examination (LHS)

What have you noticed with the activities regarding the development of the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of the learners? How?

        I have noticed with the activities regarding the development of the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains of the learners that these school’s activities are very important with regard to these matter and it could contribute to the development of the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains of the learners. With regard to the cognitive domain, the activities in LHS, like the first, second and third periodical test, and final examination, film viewing, and other co-curricular activities which can develop the mental capacity of the students are applicable. While with regard to the affective domain, the students could learn how to appreciate and value the different events or Holidays in our country like the Independence Day, Rizal Day, Ninoy Aquino Day or Buwan ng Wika because the LHS are celebrating these events and holidays. They could engage themselves in these different activities which could make them acquire different values like sportsmanship, leadership, confidence, determination, patience and many more. Lastly is the psychomotor domain wherein the students are directly involved in these activities. They could participate in the said activities like the dance contest, Makatapak Festival, Mr. and Ms. DHVTSU and the activities in Intramurals. These activities could develop their skills in different aspects like in dancing, sports, pageants and many more. All these activities could contribute to the holistic development of the students.


      Review the objectives of elementary education curriculum as well as the objectives of secondary education curriculum.
      Think of the possible activities that can be done to accomplish the objectives in each program. Identify some co-curricular activities and extra-curricular activities to incorporate in the programs.
      Co-curricular activities are those that reinforce and enhance learning in the different academic subjects.
      Extra-curricular activities are those that may not be related to any academic subject but they are done to enrich the curriculum.
      What co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are done in the school to attain the objectives? List them down in the appropriate column.

A.  Speech Writing Contest
1.   Interpretative Speech
2.   Oratorical
3.   Story Telling
4.   Extemporaneous
5.   Essay Writing
B.  Quiz Bee
1.   Academic Quiz
2.   Math Olympics
3.   Computer- based Quiz
C.  Arts Contest
1.   Poster Making Contest
2.   Logo Making Contest
3.   Christmas Lantern and Belen Making Contest
4.   Flower Making Contest
·        Seminar
·        Dance Troupe
·        Class Officers
·        Pageants
·        Sport Fest
·        Community Service

How did the above activities help attain the objectives of the program?
         The objectives of the secondary education are to continue the general education started in elementary, to prepare the learners for college work and prepare the learners for world of work. The said activities could help in attaining these objectives wherein these activities could develop the students holistically and indifferent aspects like their skills, abilities, talents, etc. which could help to their college life as well as in their world of work. These could also develop the students’ attitudes and values toward others as they participate in the sad activities. 

If you are a curriculum planner, what other co-curricular activities would you include in the program?
       If I will be a curriculum planner, the other co- curricular activities     that I would include in the program are the activities that require entrepreneurial skills because it is one of the goal/objective of the program. The co- curricular activities of the LHS are almost complete with regard to the goals and objectives of the curriculum. The speech and writing contest should be in English and in Filipino language. The academic quiz should involve all the subjects. I would also include activities in T.L.E. like cooking contest, drafting/drawing contest, etc. I would also include religious activities to better develop their moral and spiritual values and attitudes. As a curriculum planner, you have to consider all of the aspects like the students to have a better curriculum that could satisfy the members of the school.

      List down specific school activities where the people in the community are involved.
·        Community service- the students can clean the surroundings of the community where the people in the community could help and provide some materials needed in cleaning. These could also involve the feeding program, numeracy program or literacy program in which they can develop their involvement in the community. 

·        DHVTSU Foundation day- The parents and other members of the community could go and watch some events in the school and support the one who are participating in the activities of the school.

     List down specific activities in the community where the school personnel are involved.

·        Sinukuan festival- this is a street dancing competition of different schools here in Pampanga. The students can develop their dancing capability and competitiveness.

·        Feast days- we also contribute to the feast days where the people in the community are involved.

·        Religious activities- we go to church every third Sunday mass and we also celebrate the different religious days.

     How do these activities help the school in the attainment of its goals?
               The school’s activities could help in the attainment of the goals of the program or curriculum because the students’ knowledge, attitudes, skills, values and habits are developed by these activities. The said activities are related to the attainment of the goals of the program like developing their skills and knowledge in critical and creative thinking, oral and written communication by the different speech and writing contests like interpretative speech, oratorical, story telling, extemporaneous, and essay writing. Their mental capability is developed by the quiz bee on which their knowledge in different subjects is required. The arts contests heighten their abilities and appreciation for the arts and could develop their creativity. The sports fest develops the students’ physical aspect that could make them healthy. The election of the class officers can develop the leadership of the students. These activities could also develop the attitudes of the students who participate in the said activities so they can better contribute to their school and their country.

     Why is it important to established community linkages?
          It is important to establish community linkages because the community involves the family where the students have been affected and are directly parts of the family. The students’ involvement and values to the community are developing if there are community linkages. The community can help produce self reliant students and citizens. They can also help in molding and guiding the youth to develop their talents and potentials so they will become productive citizens in the future when they are already successful with their chosen career. The church is also a part of the community where the students could develop their spiritual and moral values.

        One of the important part of the curriculum are the learning activities wherein the students can be directly involved. These learning activities could help the learners widen their capabilities in the different aspects. The schools’ activities make the curriculum active and full of enjoyment so these activities have to be planned for the learners to have opportunities to show their knowledge, skills, capabilities, or talents. These could also develop their attitudes and values toward others like their confidence, leadership, determination, etc.

       The school personnel like the teachers, school administrators as well as the people in the community are also involved in these activities. They also help in making these activities develop the students’ abilities. The students’ cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains are developed and most importantly these activities could also contribute to the holistic development of the students so the activities should b planned well in a manner that the students could also enjoy their lives as students.

       As a future educator, I can also be a curriculum planner in which I have to plan and prepare for the schools’ activities. If I will be a curriculum planner, I will see to it that the activities I will be planning are exciting and inviting to all the learners to join for them to develop themselves and to prepare them in the future as well. The activities that I would be preparing should involve the school personnel and the people in the community.

      I have learned that these activities are indeed very important to the development of the learners in its totality and to the attainment of the goals and objectives of the program or curriculum of the school. There are many things that could be develop  with these activities like their knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, abilities, talents, potentials and many more so if I were to plan these activities I have to plan it well to better contribute to the holistic development of the students.


The teacher whom we asked questions

                   Picture taking with the teacher

Name: Carmina P. Aguilar         Date: February 14, 2011
Course: BSEd                            Year and Section: 3A- Math

            The teacher is responsible in implementing the curriculum. Follow the steps to find out why the teacher plays an important role in the curriculum.

1.  Observe a class
·       Identify the curricular approaches and strategies the teacher is using.
·       Observe how the learners interact in the class.

2.  Interview the teacher
·       Find out the factors that affect her skills in implementing the curriculum.
·       Determine what the teacher needs to improve her craft.

3.  Reflect on the teacher’s role in implementing the existing curriculum.

            The teacher is the implementer of the curriculum. She makes plans and chooses the method that will best suit the needs and interest of her students. In so doing, she always considers the learning competencies of the grade/year level.
          Identify the curricular approaches and strategies that the teacher is using. Which of the following approaches did you observe?
1.   Integrative modes of teaching (thematic teaching, content-based instruction)
2.   Collaborative teaching strategies (learn teaching, use of resource persons, etc.)
3.   Application of life skills.
4.   Application of valuing process.
5.   Activities that address multiple intelligence.

My Observation
School:               Laboratory High School (DHVTSU-LHS)
Teacher:               Mr. Raymond Fajardo
Date of Observation: February 11, 2011
Subject:              Math (Intermediate Algebra)
Grade/Year level:       MS 2 (2nd year Math and Science)
Curricular Approaches/ Strategies Used: Integrative modes of teaching (thematic teaching, content-based instruction)

Curricular Approaches/ Strategies used:
1.    How did the students respond in the class?

         The students respond easily as the teacher call their names. The teacher call the names of the students when they had a recall about the last lesson they have tackled and when the students have a board work. He is asking for the next steps and the students answered quickly. The students ask questions to the teacher. They are asking if their answers are correct as they answered on their seats. Few of them are sometimes raising their hands. I also noticed that others were not responding. On their board work, they are able to arrive at the correct answer.
2.    Was the approach/ strategy effective? Why? Why not?

            Yes, it is effective but only for the students who are used in acquiring information easily. The teacher presents the lesson, then he gave two examples and then let the students answer whether on the board or on their seats. The board work and seat work is indeed effective to apply the learning of the students but in board work, there is a tendency that others are not called to answer while in seat work. There is a tendency that they can’t arrive at the correct solution and answer. That teacher cannot guide all of them as they answer. But I think he has the mastery of the lesson because he had presented it correctly that the students understand.

3.    What suggestions can you give to improve the strategy?

            First, he has to really prepare every time he will discussed because he said to us that he is not that prepared. He has to plan well like he can use some instructional materials in presenting the lesson. He has to add color to his discussion so that all of his students could participate like he could first give some motivations or group work. But like what he did, I will let the students perform on the board and on their seats so that they could be able to apply the formula taught by the teacher. I will encourage them to participate in the discussion.

            During the class discussion the teacher tends to do the talking most of the time. If we are going to compare the length of time she talks and the amount of time the students recite we would be shocked to find out that she is actually delivering lecture. The class is very much teacher dominated.
            As you observe a class, find out how the students interact in the discussion.
1.    What interactive activities were done in the class? How?
List down at least five (5)
1.    Board work
         The teacher gives them board work after he had discussed the topic. He called students to answer on the board. They are able to arrive at the correct answer.
2.    Socratic method
          When they had a recall about the past lesson and when he discussed the topic they have tackled, he employ Socratic Method. He asks the students and call names of students for them to answer.
3.    Seatwork
           When someone is answering on the board, other students are also answering on their seats then they ask their teacher if their answer was correct.
4.    Answering of students in chorus
          When they are having also their review of their last lesson, they answer in chorus and all of their answers were correct that’s why the teacher would agree on what the students have answered as others go over their notes.
5.    Recall or Review of the past lesson
           Like what I have said, before the continuation of their discussion of the new topic, they had a recall about their last topic. The teacher sometimes called the students and the students sometimes answer in chorus.

2.    If you are the teacher, how will you make your lesson more learner-centered instead of teacher-dominated?
                 Like what the teacher did, I will let the students solve the problems on the board on their own. I just have to guide and facilitate them while they are solving the problems or when they don’t know the next steps in arriving at the correct answer. I will also give activities like seatwork for all of them should answer on their seats and I will let them perform some activity like giving them motivation first that can add color to my discussion and I will see to it that all of them can participate.
3.    What approaches will you use to make the students engage in collaborative learning? How will you use them?

                 First, I will use the humanistic approach in the curriculum because it is student- centered and it considers the holistic development of the students. Like what the teacher used and because of his subject and as our major subject which is Mathematics, I will also use the integrative modes of teaching or the thematic approach to teaching. As I have researched, this is a way of teaching and learning, whereby many areas of the curriculum are connected together and integrated within a theme. It allows learning to be more natural and less fragmented than the way where a school day is time divided into different subject areas and practice exercises frequently relate to nothing other than what the teacher thinks up, as he or she writes them on the chalk board. The result of working the thematic approach way is that often children will have fun, will be more actively involved, will develop learning skills more quickly as each one is connected to and reinforced by the other, will be more confident and better motivated, and will present fewer discipline problems. Through this, they are starting to develop their mind sets. Then I will let them perform with their groups and have a group work for them to develop their cooperation with others. In our field of specialization, I will let them have a joint problem solving or study team wherein I will give them a specific topic then they will collaborate with each other on what they have understood on that topic. It is like peer teaching. Even if the subject is Mathematics, I will also insert some values.
        “Whatever God's dream about man maybe, it seems certain it cannot come true unless man cooperates.”
                                                                            Stella Terrill Mann

4.    What techniques will you employ to get them involved in every activity of the class? How are these techniques employed? 

               First, I have to let them know our objectives or the objectives of the lesson for them to know our goals. Like what I have learn in our Special Topic1- Current trends in Education, I will used the UBD or Understanding By Design wherein as I start the lesson, I will first give a question which is an overarching question that will be answered at the end of the lesson. In that case, I can maintain the attention of the students because they know that they have something to answer right after the lesson or an activity so they will really focus on the discussion. I will also give a Big Idea wherein it is a quotation or thought that could serve as their inspiration as we go over the discussion.
Interview some teacher in your cooperating school. Ask them: How does __________ factor affect the skills of the teacher in implementing the curriculum?
Consider the following factors:
a.    Length of service
(10 years or more in teaching profession)

             The teacher is only 1 year in the teaching profession. He has said that of course, the length of service affects the skills of the teacher in implementing the curriculum because in his case, he has said that the lesser the length of service, the lesser the experience. He has also less classroom management because he is not that able to handle the class properly. He has also said that he is not totally enhanced and he still needs more knowledge in handling students. The length of service affects the process of developing his skills.

b.    Eligibility
(Graduated with honors/board place/board passer)

               The eligibility also affects his skills in implementing the curriculum. Among the three, he is a board passer so he said that he gained confidence in applying for a job and it gives higher points for him to work on a public school.

c.    In – service training/seminar attended
(Has attended regional or national level)

              Third, these in- service training or seminar he had attended affects also his skills in implementing the curriculum because he gains more skills and teaching training. The seminar and in- service training he has attended can be applied in actual teaching. It also develops his personality, knowledge and skills especially in teaching his field of specialization.

d.    Gender
(Male or Female)

                Lastly is the gender, he is a male so it really affects him as a teacher and it also affects his skills in implementing the curriculum because he finds it difficult to handle female students. He doesn’t know how to comfort them when they are not in their proper mind set and when they are crying.
            Interview your cooperating teacher. Request her to enumerate the in-service trainings for teachers that she attended.

1.   What in-service training for teachers did you attend?

          As we interviewed the teacher, he had said that he has attended “Sudoku” and “Student’s congress” as in-service training for teachers.

2.   Did the in-service training help you improve your teaching competence? How?

         When we interviewed him, he confidently said “Yes, the in-service training help him improve his teaching competence. He has said that these in-service training serves as an additional skills for him as well as knowledge because it develops his skills and knowledge about the topics in these in-service training.

3.   What in-service training do you think should be conducted by the school to help the teachers improve their craft? List down five (5) of them. Then prioritize them wherein 1 is the most needed and 5 is the least needed.

a.   Mathematics competency of the students- 1
b.   Factors affecting student’s anxiety regarding the math subject- 2
c.   Personality development- 3
d.   Time management- 4
e.   How to encourage students to study math and make it easier for them to understand- 5

                 Implementing the curriculum is the body of the process of making a curriculum. It is the most important part of making the curriculum work. In implementing the curriculum, the teacher plays a vital role because he/she is the one responsible in doing the necessary implementation of the curriculum. The teacher is the implementor of the curriculum.
                It is said that curriculum is the way content is designed and delivered. It includes the structure, organization, balance, and presentation of the content in the classroom. Curriculum is a set of materials that includes both content and instructional guidelines so it is really important to prepare for the implementation of the curriculum. Putting new curricula into practice in the classroom can serve as a powerful professional development opportunity for teachers. Through using a particular curriculum with their students, reporting on what happens, and reflecting with others on different ideas and activities, teachers learn about their own teaching and their students' learning.  Implementing curriculum takes time, resources, and a commitment. Plans must be established for ongoing professional development for all teachers. Implementing the curriculum does not focus on the actual use but also on the attitudes of those who implement it. That’s how important the curriculum implementation means so we really have to focus on it.
                 In implementing the curriculum, we have to focus on the curricular approaches and strategy, interactive learning approaches and the training of the teachers because in curricular approaches and strategy and interactive learning approaches, these is where the learning happens, how the teacher would deliver the lesson, and how will he make the students interact while in the training of teachers, these is how the teacher have develop himself as implementer of the curriculum.

                As one of the implementors of the curriculum in the near future, I have to be prepared and really have to plan well the implementation of the curriculum. As a curriculum implementer, first, I have to know the objectives of the curriculum. I also have to choose the methods and strategies I will be using. I have to be prepared every time I will discuss a lesson. I have to see to it that I will present it in an organized and properly manner. I also have to be ready with the things that could affect my skills in implementing the curriculum. I have to face it with strength and confidence and know how to deal with these problems. I also have to attend in- service training and seminars to be able for me to develop more skills because I know now that it is indeed needed in the future. I also have to consider the learning competencies of the learners and how the students respond in the discussion.

              I feel that I’m excited now to implement the curriculum because of the things that I have learned in these activities. While I’m doing this activity, I put myself in the case of the teacher and I imagined myself on how will I deliver that lesson. I hope that on the near future, I will become an effective and efficient teacher like others. I will really try my best to do it.

Mr. Raymond Fajardo- the teacher we have observed,.
Interview with the teacher
The class we have observed wherein the teacher discusses and the students answered on the board.


Name: Carmina P. Aguilar                Date: March 1, 2011
Course: BSEd                               Year and Section: 3A

            The textbook, teachers manual, the Philippine Elementary Learning Competencies are tools of instruction. They may be used as vehicles for implementing the curriculum.

          Follow these steps as you reflect on the importance of textbook and other support materials:

1.   Choose a grade/year level in a school to be visited.

2.   Request copies of textbooks and other support materials used in the class.

3.   Reflect on how the textbook and other supports materials help implement the curriculum.

4.   Make a written report.

            The textbooks are tools for instruction. They are the translation of the curriculum into manageable lessons. What are the textbooks/workbooks, the students are using? Classify them into learning areas.

Subject/ Learning Area
List of Textbooks/ Workbooks
Ratio of books to the number of students (P-TX ratio)
Elementary algebra
Intermediate algebra
Plane geometry
Intro. To Trigonometry
Science and Technology
Applied Science
Science and Technology
English Expressways
1st-4th year
Gintong Pamana Wika at Panitikan
1st yr. – 4th yr.
Enjoy life with P.E and health, Enjoy life with music and arts.
Heograpiya ng Pilipinas
Heograpiya ng Asya


1.   What other instructional materials/references are used if the textbooks are not sufficient?
                In our modern times, there are many instructional materials being used because of the modern technologies. One of the widely used nowadays is the use of computer or internet. Instead of going to the library and spend time in finding books or the pages of the books, the students will just go to the internet café or computer shops to surf the internet when they are about to search for something like a specific topic for written reports or others.  In the case of the computers, we can get much information about a specific topic but there is a tendency that the system of the computer will fail and it is not always available because of the electrical interruption but the books are just always around us. The information found on books is not always found on the computer. But when the use of textbooks is not sufficient, we can always use the computers or laptops for the presentation of the lesson like having a power point presentation. That is indeed an effective tool in teaching.

                 Other things that can be used are the magazines, newspapers or journals. Magazines provide us with information about lifestyle and how can we improve our way of living while the newspapers provide us information about the daily happenings or events. These can also bring enjoyment to the readers because there are mind games and entertainment section.
                 Television and radio can also serve as instructional materials. This should be used in an educational manner letting them watch an educational show and give some activities after.

2.   What scheme does the teacher employ to remedy the lack of textbooks in her class?
                 For me, the usual thing that is done when there is a lack of textbooks is the students share with each other. But there are many things that can be done by the teacher to remedy the lack of textbooks. The teacher can provide handouts for the students that contain the outline/ summary of the topics. The teacher can also lecture on the board for some information while the students copy your lecture but it is not that effective. The teacher can also make visual aids or teaching aids bank that are durable so that he/she can use it again. He/she can also make a power point presentation for the presentation of topics. The teacher could also include activities in the discussion or he/she can encourage peer teaching. The teacher can give a specific topic that they should find time to help themselves to learn on that topic. Finally, the manner of presentation of the teacher is the most important thing. He/she must know how to handle the class even though there is lack of some things.

            Select from the PELC/PSLC the objective competencies of a specific learning area. Examine the textbooks. Source your material of instruction from the textbooks. Complete the table below.
Objective Competencies (Taken from PELC/PSLC)
Title of the book (indicate the page number)
First year
Deals with life situations and problems involving measurement, real number system, algebraic expressions, first degree equation and inequalities in one variable, linear equations in two variables.
Second year
Deals with systems of linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations, rational algebraic equations, variation, integral exponents, and rational expressions.
Third year
Deals with the practical application to life of Geometry of shape size, polygons, and circles.

Fourth year
Student could choose of what subject they want to use, either Business Mathematics or Trigonometry and advanced Algebra.

Elementary Algebra

(page 34-45)

Intermediate Algebra

(page 51- 63)


(page 15-26)

(algebra, geometry, statistics, unit of trigonometry)

(page 66- 79)

          From the data surfaced, we can conclude that textbooks are important tools in implementing the curriculum. They are our sources of information and aids in accomplishing the target competencies.

What are the factors should be considered in choosing textbooks?
                   There are several factors in considering textbooks. First, it should contain the necessary information needed in discussing the topic. All of the students in the class should have the textbooks. There is sufficient number of textbooks. We have to consider its durability. The quality of the books should be good and the books should be covered properly with plastic covers or other covers so these will stand for a long time. The students should follow the conditions found on the textbooks so that the safety of the books is secured.

            The Philippine Elementary Learning Competencies (PELC) and the Philippine Secondary Learning Competencies (PSLC) are documents being used by the elementary and secondary school teachers respectively. They contain the objectives that determine the contents of the lesson as well as the strategies, and assessment procedures to use.
          Get a copy of the PELC/PSLC of the learning area you are observing, go through it.
Answer the following questions:
1.   Why is it important to familiarize yourself with the PELC/PSLC handbook?
              It is indeed very important for the teacher to familiarize himself/herself with the PELC or PSLC because as a teacher, we should be guided with these learning competencies so that we will know what/ how the students should learn and so that we will know what their learning capabilities are. In PSLC/PELC, there is sequence in which we have to follow to be able to be guided so we have to really know all about PSLC/PELC and to be able for the students to follow on the lesson proper.

2.   Read the competencies for the grade/level. Go down the page vertically from top to bottom. What have you noticed about the score of the learning unit?
                  I have noticed about the score of the learning unit that it is also in sequence and arranged per year/grade level corresponding to the topics or the learning outcomes that should be achieved. It is also organized. The scoring of the learning unit is fair that it really corresponds to the right attainment of these learning outcomes.     

3.   What is usually done when the objective is broad?
               When the objective is broad, the teacher should know how to balance/ manage her time to be able to implement the lesson properly but first, the teacher should provide specific objectives so that he/she can easily identify the learning of his/her students and so that the teacher can easily know if he had attained the objectives. The teacher could be an efficient educator if he/ she know how to manage the time even if the objective is broad.

4.   Why should the lesson/topics be properly sequenced?
              The lesson/topics should be properly sequenced so that it will be presented properly and in an organized manner. According to Jean Piaget’s cognitive learning theory, learners acquire knowledge as he/she go through his age. As he/she grew old, his/her mind developed as well. The learners have different ages of learning that they can acquire so the lessons should be properly sequenced in a manner that the lessons are aligned with their age to acquire this knowledge.

5.   What should be done by the teacher to maximize the students’ learning?
                 To maximize the students’ learning, the teacher should let her students explore all the things around them like making them join a field trip or giving them activities outside the four walls of the classroom. The teacher can also give them projects that can develop them.

            Go through the PELC/PSLC handbook. Look for the horizontal sequence from grade/year level to another.
1.   What have you noticed?
                 I have noticed that the PELC/PSLC is composed of learning outcomes that are expected to learn by the students that there is a sequence. It is organized and arranged in a manner that it is per grade/year level. The learning outcomes per year level are indicated.
2.   Was there sequence from one grade/year level to another?
                Yes, there is a sequence from one grade or year level.
3.   Is it important to know what your students have learned from the previous year? Why? Why not?
                Yes, it is important to know what the students have learned from their previous learning so that we can know if what they have learned and relate what they have learned to the things they are about to learn to be able for the teacher to repeat the discussion. Again, he/she can be guided with the use of the previous learning of students. The teacher can use their previous learning of the students to have a review/recap of the topic and proceed to the next topic to better develop their understanding with their previous learning.
4.   Do you think this knowledge will help you in planning your lesson? Explain your answer.
                            Yes, this knowledge will help us in planning the lesson because in planning a lesson, we have to consider many things. One of these things is the students’ previous learning in which we have to recall them with regard to this matter to be able for the students to remember their previous learning and to develop further their understanding with these topics then, relate their previous learning to the new learning that they have to acquire which is the topic you will discuss after the recap.
          As the teacher enters the world of the classroom, he \she must see to it that he\she is prepared; prepared with curriculum. He\she must be equipped with knowledge and prepare instructional materials. These instructional materials are included in curriculum planning. The one of most important instructional materials are the books (workbooks or textbooks) but these are over passed by the use of computer. Some of the students nowadays are more on technology based. But we cannot let go of using these books because there are tendencies that technologies will fail and there are also times that the things that are found on other sources of information are found in books the books are the greatest source of information and serves as reference. So we really have to give importance to these books. These can be stored in several years with proper care of these books. If these textbooks were not available, we have to find ways to find for other instructional materials that can provide solution to remedy the lack of textbooks.
Reading books maketh a full man.”

            In presenting the lesson, we should be properly sequenced so the PELC is really a great help for the teacher to present the topics organized manner. In that manner, we can also manage our time because there is a pattern in which you can follow for the proper sequencing of the subject matter. The flow of instruction will be easier that the students could easily acquire the knowledge given from the previous things they have learned so the teacher is guided with students’ previous learning in planning the lesson to present it in a logical manner.


                   Books are for reading as we heard the word read, we accompany this usually to books. I know the real essence of book to teachers especially in planning the presenting lesson and to the students for reference because me, I am fund of reading books especially if I really have time. These books adds information but these are tendencies to have problems regarding books like lack of these books (textbooks) so as a teacher have to find solutions to solve this problems.

                  I also learned about PELC\PSLC. At first, I don’t know what it is all about. I have to be familiar with these to be able to guide that could really help in the presentation of the lesson so that it will be easier for the students to understand the lesson.

                  BOOKS give us the knowledge, knowledge that other materials don’t have. This knowledge can be our sword in the future for every challenges\test we will encounter.

“There is no time in life when books do not influence a man.”
       -Walter Besant
“My books are friends that never fail me.”
                 We can see in these quotations that the books are so important and so we have to take good care of these books.

            The curriculum serves as guide to teaching. However, the teacher needs to adjust the curriculum to the actual circumstances and needs of the learners.
          The curriculum may undergo some revisions or changes during its implementation. That is why there is a need to have a continuous assessment of the attainment of its goals. Indeed, curriculum development is a never - ending process.

          To assess the extent of attainment of the curriculum goals.
          To attain the objectives, you may follow these tasks.
1.   Read the objectives of the program for the BEED, Objectives of the Elementary students, and Education curriculum for BSED, Objectives of Secondary students Education Curriculum.
2.   Go over the activities you have done in Episode 1 and Episode 2.
3.   Use the rating scale to assess the attainment of the curriculum objectives based on:
v School Environment
v School Practices
v The teacher as implementor of the curriculum
v The textbooks and other support materials
4.   Make a summary of your findings.

            Make a personal evaluation as to what extent the objectives of the program are attained based on a set of criteria.
          Indicate with a check mark the extent of attainment of the curriculum objectives;
1.   Very great extent
2.   Great extent
3.   Moderate extent
4.   Slight extent
5.   Not at all

A.  School Environment in making the Curriculum work
1.   Updated EMIS data
2.   Well- maintained school facilities/equipment
3.   Well – planned class schedule
4.   Controlled class size
5.   Well – distributed teaching load
B.  School Practices
1.   Relevant school activities provided
2.   Involvement of the community in school activities
3.   Learner’s co-curricular and extracurricular activities enhanced.
C.  The Teacher as Implementor of the Curriculum
1.   Use of the curricular approaches /strategies
2.   In-service training of the teachers
3.   Teacher’s curriculum vitae (length of service, eligibility, gender, etc.)
D.  Textbooks and Other Support Materials
1.   Sufficient textbooks provided to learners
2.   Sourcing other materials of instruction
3.   Familiarization with the PELC/ PSLC















Make a summary of your findings. Give your suggestions and recommendations to help attain the curriculum objectives.
                   Now, we have finished another Field Study subject. This is the Field Study 4- Exploring the Curriculum. As an assessment to the above activities, I can say that the activities that we have made are indeed hard because it requires our deepest understanding of the curriculum and get some data to relate to our curriculum but it indeed developed our understanding of the curriculum on how it is planned, implemented and evaluated. The activities require us to explore the whole curriculum and how the curriculum works in a school.
                In a classroom, the teacher plays an important role. The teacher has to deal with facilities, schedules, activities, curricular approaches and strategies and the supporting materials as well. It really affects the curriculum and the manner of instruction. We have to consider also the curriculum design and content.
             The vision, mission, goals and objectives are our guide for the school to become successful so we really have to give focus with these things. In a school, it is important to have the necessary facilities for the students’ better learning. The activities in the school should be relevant that it could really develop the skills of the students. The status and background of the teacher is also important so now, we have to improve ourselves because these would really reflect our performance in our future profession. The strategies and approaches are also considered. Finally, the textbooks are important in the implementation of the curriculum and we should be guided with PELC/PSLC.
              As a future educator, I also have to consider all these things. I must remember that my prime consideration is my students and their learning. As I enter the classroom, I should be equipped with the knowledge and additional information that I have to give with them. I should also contain the values and be-attitudes of a teacher. It is indeed important for the teacher to know how to handle the class even if there is lack of some things. Now, all I have to do is to learn from the experiences that my teachers shared with us that could really help us.

 these made us learn on how to plan for making a school

the feasibility study in curriculum development that we have made 


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